In 2010 Mei-Ann’s Circle of Friends was founded as a women’s philanthropic initiative to honor the Memphis Symphony Orchestra’s former Music Director, Mei-Ann Chen, and to increase support for the Symphony Fund. During its formative years, the Circle was shepherded by Ellen Robinson Rolfes, who was the driving force behind its inception, mission, and success. In 2018 MSO dedicated the Circle of Friends in her honor. Today Ellen serves as a Trustee.

The Circle continues to represent diverse community investors, now including like-minded men, who recognize the importance of people from different networks coming together through a shared vision to expand cultural relatedness. They have a sense of social consciousness and a desire to work as an instrument of intentional inclusion through the arts. Most importantly, the membership embraces a commitment to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion as core values of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra.

The Circle is recognized in the increased inclusivity of the MSO’s audience and patron based.  Now it has embarked on its stage to “come full circle” – THE MUSICIAN FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM. With the understanding that this mission – bringing broad-based inclusivity into the performing arts – will take years to develop, the Circle’s vision has created an opportunity to place the MSO in a leadership position to strengthen the vibrancy of our cultural center and mirror the community in which we live and love.


The Circle of Friends proposes to The Board of Directors of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra the establishment of The Eddy Award - An annual recognition to a community member who has made a transformative contribution to the enhancement of cultural awareness through the performing arts by using the power of music to foster intentional inclusion and community engagement for all people.

The Circle of Friends - A Pictorial History